… inspired by you!

We’ve always seen the world a little differently and thought we were alone! The things that amused us, or touched a chord in our heart, seemed to go right over the heads of others … BUT … THEN … ONE DAY … we met a kindred spirit and life was good! Once we met one kindred spirit “they” started popping up everywhere and life got even better. We suspect that you are “one of them” too! How wonderful. 😊

There is no mold for us. One day we are “deep” and very introspective. Another day we will be very spiritual, quite possibly emotional and, most likely, very reflective. Yet another day we will have our “naughty” hat on and find ourselves terribly amusing. “We understand”, which is why you will find such great variety to “our wares”!

IDEAS are EVERY WHERE and we expect that you have more than a few of your own! If we can ever help you solidify a design or personalize a gift idea – or even one of our existing mug designs – we’d love to hear from you. Seriously! While our focus (at least right now) is on mugs, they make up only a small percentage of our actual offerings. We also offer apparel, in a multitude of styles and colors, amongst other things. Again, we’ve just got mugs “on the brain”, of late, but that doesn’t mean we can’t switch gears on a dime – something we are known to do! (You too, we imagine. 😊 ) We hope you’ll reach out to us if you’re curious as to what else we offer.


Hilary, Mark, Chris, and our “inspirational” team!